Featured on Design News: Fundamentals of Gas Sensors

This article was originally featured on Design News.


Detecting the presence of harmful gases was a necessity for early miners as well as manufacturers and consumers at the start of the industrial revolution. One of the first gas detectors was a flame safety lamp (or Davy lamp) invented by English inventor Sir Humphry Davy in 1815. The Davy lamp was used to detect the presence of methane (firedamp) in underground coal mines.

Yesterday’s gas sensing techniques can’t hold a candle to today’s methods. The consumer and industrial Internet-of-Things (IoT) era have enabled sensor-rich gas detecting tools to deal with a variety of harmful, radioactive, and explosive types of gases. The most common gas technologies include Molecular Property Spectrometer(MPS), Pellister (cat-bead), Nondispersive infrared (NDIR), Electrochemical (echem), and Photoionization Detector (PID). Read More

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