Featured in Electronic Specifier: Top 5 Sensor Products in April

This article was originally featured on Electronic Specifier

Electronic Specifier takes a look at the top five sensors products released in April.

NevadaNano has announced its Molecular Property Spectrometer (MPS) R-290 Propane sensor. The new device is the most accurate on the market, making it an ideal solution for residential and commercial R-290 propane applications including air conditioning, vending machines, commercial refrigeration racks, and clothes dryers.

“Nearly 200 countries around the world have resolved to eliminate ozone-depleting hydrofluorocarbons refrigerants with high Global Warming Potential,” said Bob Christensen, Senior Director of Business Development, NevadaNano. “R-290, a high-performance natural refrigerant with very low-GWP, is an alternative that is quickly gaining widespread acceptance and use in Asia, Europe and the United States. And, when used with accurate leak detection systems, it is a safe alternative.” READ MORE

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